tiistai 29. joulukuuta 2020

About anniversaries and memorial days

 I am not sure of the English term, but some historical happenings are remembered each year the same day of the year. Some say that they then tend to have bad luck, but I guess that is so when one does not celebrate it at all or celebrates as if were even one's enthusuastic hobby. Often anniversaries and memorial days go well if one has the wish to celebrate soimething and so grasps the chance and celebrates a little bit the theme of the day too. Like for example looking it up in the encyclopedia and then wandering to similar subjects and one's own interests, or mentioning the theme of the day but also history at large and highlights of one's own hobbies I guess, so that it is mor erich with life and kind of mildened. If it is the memorial day of some war or accident, mentuoning something that helps to overcome such eases the atmosphere, like for example meditation and Buddhist good will toward all living beings eases away some of the danger of a nuclear war. Anyway, things go better if one has lots of other things in one's life too, healthy kind of life with wisdom of life.

19th of June 2021   I moved from Savonlinna to Espoo at the capital district in the end of January, and two months later my poodle was killed. After that I have been vegetarian. Lately I have been very tured, both night and day and wondered if there is no room left for me in life. Except that I woke up with a light view of my future space in life when I came to think that I should alreafy now think of myself as 50 years old, even though my birthday is in August.

torstai 20. elokuuta 2020


The countryside town Savonlinna I nowadays live in, is famous for it's medieval castle and a summer time opera festival in it, every year in July but not this year (2020) since there has been an epidemy in the world even though not here (or only a little here).  There is some of that festival likedness left here for the rest of the year too, people interested in arts, nature, etc, and when I had lived in Savonlinna for a year or two, I thought that it was something birthday like, maybe the area was a good place to spend a birthday of the elderly. Anyway, across the years I have learned something of that even though not so much.

One thing in it is that one ought to buy foods & other things from shops by paying attention to what dream about way of life, skill level etc the style of the package & product promises to answer, and base one's choices on those observations.

Ages old like the nature is often good, even superb quality, so that some basic life with nature and natural materials, handicraft skills, music like heart's wishes and respecting ideals and healthy spirit, often rise the quality much higher, which is valuable on important occasions. There are lots of summer cottages around Savonlinna.



tiistai 18. elokuuta 2020

Some present like things

After a year I will be 50 years old. It seems to ask for some kind of collection of treasures that I have found or achieved, kind of presents for others. Maybe also some personal history, but there is nothing special to tell, so I guess that such is unimportant for me, and anyway I have already written a lot.

Present like achievements of mine:

"Many words for snow" (in the Finnish language) : winter melodies (from winter 2019-2020, please click the link)   https://composingmelodies.blogspot.com/2019/12/winter.html
I mean to collect these to some more stylish blog post in the winter time. (2. Oct. 2020   Oh, that maybe isn't possible since the blog site changed to more cumbersome editor.)

For birds: how young birds can fly to the branch already in their first attempt    https://talesfromforest.blogspot.com/2017/08/how-young-birds-learn-to-fly.html

Not so much my own idea, but with a bunch of links to my other texts, is my long Christmas gnome skills text http://learntalents.blogspot.com   ( the first part is at http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html )

* * *

19th of August 2020
My translations of famous wise  old Finnish poetry to English:

A little bit over the first poem of the Finnish national ephos Kalevala translated to English in a way that is independent of climate   https://kalevalainenglish.blogspot.com/

Some poems of maybe the most famous Finnish poet Eino Leino   https://einoleinopoems.blogspot.com/

50 years is a long time. It does not sound rational to connect it with just one day. Better to collect some memories and some wisdom of life to some blog posts across some period like for example when writing this blog.
Of the birthday itself, I feel that instead of celebrating one day one ought to live in a good way that is good to continue along. So I of course usually try to do, but it does not always succeed.

Some of my blogs and blog texts of mine that might interest others:
The four seasons   https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html     (In Finnish   http://opisuomalaisuus.blogspot.com/2019/11/vuodenaikojen-elamisen-ohjeita.html )
http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html    (In Finnish http://opisuomalaisuus.blogspot.com/2014/03/terveet-elamantavat.html and https://opisuomalaisuus.blogspot.com/2018/01/terveet-elamantavat-ja-terveella.html )
  ( 5th of August 2021   Instructions about how to get warm  http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2015/12/instructions-on-how-to-get-warm.html
   In Finnish: Lämmittelyohjeita https://opisuomalaisuus.blogspot.com/2015/01/viileaan-sopeutuminen.html  )

Easy efficient thinking course   http://quickerlearning.blogspot.com
http://todreamjob.blogspot.com    (in Finnish http://nopeaoppisuus.blogspot.com )
(In Finnish about Green movement http://kokonaiskuvat.blogspot.com )
Paradise theory http://2013paradise.blogspot.com
(In Finnish for the elderly Tulta leiskuu harmaahapset   http://harmaahapset.blogspot.com )
https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2018/12/index-with-cure-suggestions-after-word.html   (In Finnish http://parantamisesta.blogspot.com )

More personal blogs:
About my upbringing and the development of my thinking skills   https://aboutmytexts.blogspot.com/
(In Finnish circus training my dogs ten years ago  http://lukevatkoirat.blogspot.com and my poodle Banjo's blog attempt http://villakoirabanjo.blogspot.com )

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20th of August 2020
I guess that 50 years is so much that also the not so familiar people may be interested in whether there is anything of value to learn from such an age, and so maybe the material, the wisdom ought to be ready almost a year in advance and not only for the birthday.

 * * * 2nd of August 2021 That was written almost a year ago, and next Sunday 8.8.2021 I will be 50 years old, which I do not plan to celebrate but instead I aim to live normal life.   

5th of August 2021   My birthday is three days from today and I do not plan to celebrate it at all, there seems to be no demand for such. But lately I have seen as passer-bys people that connect to my interests: yesterday a singer and today a farmer and a dancer. I do not know if such is somehow spiritual, since my dogs seemed to meet dogs of same colour and size and I ran to such similiarities at large, but I guess thst it connects to my 50th birthday which may cause that some wander by as if it were a theme of the times, and so I think that the near area share of my mobile phone is good for that, but of coyrse such depends on whether one has anythibg valuable in the internet. 

perjantai 7. elokuuta 2020

Birthday melody

Today is not my birthday but I made a melody since the birthday is quite near and I have not tended to celebrate it now that I am over 40, almost 50. But it is nice to do things that one ordinarily likes.

8.8.2020   I made a new picture now that it is my birthday.

Is birthday just a calendar thing?

Can it be that birthdays are just calendar classification like things like the New Year too? The New Year seems to go better if one has insight about how to start the new year, and is not just celebrating the old ones. But it has to be good quality insight that is good to build úpon, like your views about good ways of doing, values, content to life, etc But my experience is that one cannot continue along plans made on birthday. One may then make a some kind of scetch that is soon forgotten, or then some rob those things away from you.

* * *  
2nd of August 2021   If one is already middle aged, one often thinks of time passibg when one has a birthday. Maybe then tens of years older persons think that such is a good time to meet or see or read about the elderly and of really old people. If someone is over 100 years old the age may be difficult to prove, especially if it is hundreds or thousands of years, yet such a person may think it easier to meet some younger one around one's 50th birthday, and si the older ones too get some younger contacts if they themselves are fit and have their skills ok.  

tiistai 28. heinäkuuta 2020

About happy birthdays

I haven't had so very good birthdays but across the years I have learned something of how to succeed in celebrating them.
Birthdays are typically thought of as time for the person oneself, like for example eating some quite ordinary food that one likes or diving to a favourite book (haven't done that on a birthday though) or going for a walk to watch the beauty around. Competition often affects that others do not wish one to succeed as well as they do in their birthdays.

At an older age presents often fail,become impossible to use as if one ought not celebrate that way but instead give such presents to the younger ones or to those in trouble.

As older I have noticed that on celebration days it is good to think of how years pass, life changes and the world too, about the future with the help of higher wisdom and art, write a few words of it down and maybe draw a picture too and sign it with the time and olace.

Before my birthdays during the last few years I have had a season of a few days with atmoshere of birthday approaching, while then near the birthday the atmosphere has been ruined, one year they cut smaller trees nex top our house where I begin my morning walk with the dog so that it hasn't yet grown again. It used to be a world of it's own inside the forest patch but now one can see houses throuygh. But can it be that one ought to celebrate birthdays supposing that it is a wrong day, so much wrong that one ought not celebrate it then? Or is the ordinary way of celebrating somehow ruining the days near the correct day?

I think that on celebration days a good atmosphere just comes fromsomewhere, is around at a certain moment, and it is of a certain kind, not an atmosphere of the person celebrating but instead of some culture's view or of birds or the like, and so one can tune to it for a short while, but one cannot celebrate in some other way and have the atmosphere, and so some tend to have a good birthday like atmosphere while others don't and it aren't so much a question fo succeeding but more like of following the advices of the atmosphere.
A similar atmosphere at other times of the year here in a countryside town has often come from a thought of having Christmas year around, see https://picturesfrommyhome.blogspot.com/2020/02/christmas-year-around.html . I wonder can it be at other places some other thing that the culture offers, like at the capital district civiliced wisdom and life according to it and healthy ages old ways of living, like is very much valued there. Can it be also that each person gets a chance to a life that one much creates, like I have written thousands of these somewhat present like texts,so I guess someone would think it Christmas like or a Christmas like inclination of mine or of the local culture I live by.

Some links for birthdauy celebration preparations

In Finnish https://tunteetjatekemisentapa.blogspot.com/2017/07/kukkia-maljakkoon.html




In Finnish   http://asiakkaanavain.blogspot.com

My wisdom of life and skills

I think that around one's birthday the younger ones often would like to learn one's skills for life, both wisdom of life and some skills on your strenghts. I have written a lot, so also such, but many of them are in Finnish language. About life skills at large there is my gnome skills text with many links to my blogs that really handle those things: see http://learntalents.blogspot.com . In Finnish I have written a long blog about solving environmental problems and developing problem solving skills if one is academical or something of the kind, see http://kokonaiskuvat.blogspot.com . The wisdom of life I really live by is in my blog about the Finnish speaking Finnish culture, see http://Finnishskills.blogspot.com and especially the points marked important in it.

sunnuntai 12. heinäkuuta 2020

Do you make wished for impact to the world?


406. Some people and some animals etc make so wished for impact to the world or to the life around that there is a wish for them to live a hundred years or more, or the like. For example my paradise theory http://2013paradise.blogspot.com made cyclic time possible, and such valuable input may interest or be wished for just in case for even thousands of years or more. Neglecting such wish may cause lack of luck to those whose input plus ordinary life is very much wished for.
On pets this often does not work out, since when one wishes for one's pet to live hundred years, someone takes it to be equivalent to human hundred years which on dogs is some 14 years, so if one wishes for long life, one ought to mention the year, for example untill the year 2100 or longer."

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2nd of August 2021   "   "  , and from seeing ants I had learned how soldier like ways, moral work for the society amd athletic healthy ways of living & an individual living freely according to it's feelings and it's ages old nature produce the same result,"


26th of July 2021   I learned the basic view of my paradise theory, of how the different sides of life support each other, as a baby from a reddish brown ant, before I was given my name, if I remember right I was two days old, so it must have been August 1971, which is late summer when the insects are at their wisest because they are older already and the summer gives good possibilities for life. I have wondered why I haven't learned anything such later from the insects, but maybe that is because I had somehow marked that happening to June instead of to August, propably 10th of August 1971. 


  FROM MY TEXT    https://aboutmytexts.blogspot.com/2015/08/my-birthday.html   


keskiviikko 10. kesäkuuta 2020

Different ages

When I was a young adult, I read from a science fiction book that the meaning of life is 42, which I of course did not believe. But if one thinks of different ages, it might be so. As a kid one learns from one's parents and is inside their picture of the world, which then sets some tasks that one considers important in life and in the world. If one does not have the freedom to choose freely what to study, one continues quite much inside the parents' picture of the world in one's early twenties. In one's thirties one is more independent and can do one's part in important questions, and in one's forties one gets the freedom to do work in ways that one oneself values but it's urgency is still at least to begin with from one's pöd picture of the world, so that maybe in the age of 42 one fullfills those long time goals in life and in teh world.
Likewise other important jobs have their own time, own imput, and after that one ought to change to something else,to take distance to those old tasks, and aging is one way to do that: to identify with somewhat olkder people or to change profession or the like.
Durimng teh last twenty years I have been writing a lot, first of very important subjects in the world, then of other quite important subjects. But there is only a certain amount of things that one person can give, and so one would need a way to let go, to kind of tune to lower input and to change of jobs, instead of keeping the same position as older. Yet one should not ruin the former important input of the same person. 

tiistai 24. maaliskuuta 2020

Future history

I thought of power dynamics by looking at structures at a very general level objectively, and valued fracturelessness, well working wholes and structure along the ages old nature of humans and living nature. That ought to give the best functioning, be strongest. So it ended up a paradise theory, see http://2013paradise.blogspot.com , a way to make cyclic time possible, to cure the world back to the original paradise in the beginning of time, but this time with the technology and man-made things as parts of it, supporting it.
It is historically a huge thing. Yet when I think of if I am remembered in teh future, somehow to my mind very often rises instead this: taught humans to sing spring:


Singing spring

"Singing spring
Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for humans too to sing, maybe like this, a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home, like feels to suit the moment.
(A quotation from my blog http://musiikkipaivakirja.blogspot.fi 29.4.2017 :)
"A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like assembling from pieces of different strenght, somehow a very natural song and atmospheric, a little bit like what a composer seeks for with his/her tune: a moment with such an atmosphere but richer one, and then singing it naturally, not la-la-laa or the like as if from notes but instead from the places that the atmosphere touches oneself, one is fascinated by such an experience, but somehow on a general level and not a murmur of personal life.""

A quotation from my long text about living wisely the four seasons http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html

15.3.2020   An easy method of writing down the melodies, but I am not sure if it is right: https://composingmelodies.blogspot.com/2019/11/about-plotting-down-melodies.html

lauantai 21. maaliskuuta 2020

Some melodies for birthdays

(Advices of living the spring and short melodies about spring in town with trees etc http://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html .)

(Advices for feeling better in the summer time https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2017/08/if-you-dont-feel-well-in-summer-time.html )




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Social life


Links to my blogs

These links might help young adults in finding better life:


I have tried to find ways to cure illnesses etc by learning from healthy ways of living
   (Finnish original http://parantamisesta.blogspot.com

Thinking course

About what I have achieved

How one learns new talents across the years

"torstai 8. elokuuta 2019

How one learns new talents across the years

Today is my 48th birthday. During the last years I have noticed that it is not a good day, but that it is a good time to think about how things change when one ages or years pass in the society and in the world.
When I was younger, I had dreams and likings, interests and personal values and some fine glimpses from adventure books, music and the like. And so I learned something of the spirit of things, and that is a good guide to learning talents in them. And what I was interested in, I tried to cultivate things that supports skills and especially talents in such and wisdom about their place in the world and in a well running society. And so I learned skills to suport them, and across the years this and that about them and achieved goals that I had dreamed about like a singing experience of life, which though was often based on other things, like a singing experience of life in liking sports hobbies and admiring the nature and valuing wishing well for the world at large, learning how some more civiliced wisdom solves personal problems that too stuck ways in institutions cause, etc.

 * * *

10th of March 2020    I just noticed that my 50th birthday is less than one and a half years from now, so if I plan to spend it travelling, I have to start planning now and sparing the money for it.
I think that in this age time isn't measured via birthdays anymore at all, but instead by referring to major highlights of life and to long time life contents like for example nearst relationships, where one lives, pets, what one does, etc. Yet 50 years is considered a big celebration, but is it more a way for the younger generations, especially in one's working environment, to get to know what the 50 years olds have achieved, what is their input to the work and what kind of insight they have? What does it affect that years and tens of years pass in a person's life, what can the young ones expect in their own lives and how to take that wisely into account?"

How birthdays change as one gets older

As a kid I like all other kids valued my birthdays a lot. I had the feeling that teenagers did not pay as much attention to them as kids. And that adult somehow did not need their birthdays so much. And so has it gone in my life. As 40 years old I have noticed that birthdays are even difficultto celebrate, not so good days and times, but instead good for thinking of how time passes and how years affect. And now that after roughly one and a half years I will be 50 years ago, I cannot fiugure out how I could celebrate it or even spend the day in any special way.But I feel that there is a strong need for people in this age to tell to the younger ones how years affect and how one learns about life in different ages and how one learns wisdom of life, finds one's own roads in life and how one changes when one grows up andf ages. So I thought that isntead of celebrating my 50 years birthday I would try to write this blog.