keskiviikko 20. heinäkuuta 2022

A singer (Eino Leino's poems)

 A singer

 "  N88.   20th of July 2022   Eino Leino wrote ( my translation) :

"...  See, a human feels sorrow and joy

and a human feels and lives.

But a singer wanders and listens

and in her/his ears kantelees play.

Those play, play days

and nights, those echo from far away, so far away.

And a singer wanders and listens

and a singer hears and - sings. "

Life has it's own rythms, like lifting one's glace when one is aware of one's environment, or running a short distance, or how the feel of rainy weather affects how one comes in. Those rythms are kind of like songs, and having started something natural and pleasant in one's everyday lufe one knows how to continue it, kind of saying yes i was singing this song and the other natural refreshibg songs of my daily life. But it is more like lufe singing than any memorized melody. 

The poem is the ending from the poem Yölaulu = Nightsong in Eino Leino's poetry book Laulun lahja = The talent/gift of songs/singing.

 N89.   Of how one sings in the poem of Eino Leino
"I wander the paths of the forest
on a summer evening thinking deeply by myself
and my chest enlargens of joy
and I sing, just sing."
One could think of feeling like singing since it is such a fine weather with some nature ( trees? ) around.


From my over a thousand entries long blog text about the skills of Christmas gnomes

sunnuntai 19. kesäkuuta 2022

My books

 Last October 2021 I collected my old texts to books, and now in June 2022 added some of my newer texts ( written after that) to one more book "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, continued"  see . You can find the other books by clicking my name. Thwre are also some older books and booklets of mine.

keskiviikko 16. maaliskuuta 2022


   Onpahan syntymäpäiväni numeroiden myötä  hoikkuudestakin kertynyt jotakin osaamista: 


Mutta ennen kaikkea hyväntuulinen elämänviisas elämä terveiden elämäntapojen tienoilta, maailmassakin viisaasti, tuo pienemmän ravinnontsrpeen ja ajan myötä hoikan tai hoikanpuoleisen kropan, joka ei ole kireä vaan tervehenkiseen hyväntuuliseen toimeliaisuuteen sopiva. Vrt musiikista pitäminen. 

24th of July 2022   But the main thing i have always connected with the numbers 8.8. is that the round forms are healthy wholes according to feelings and connected naturally in varied amount. So it is a model of the healthy world and a paradise theory, which has given rise to my paradise theory .

10.8.2022   Sisätiloissa istuminen, toimettomana ja dyöden ei lle hyväksi linjoille. Musiikkiharrastuneisuus ja luonnossa liikkumisesta pitäminen tuovat sellaista toimeluaan elämänviisautta ja kivaa tunteidenmukaisuutta, että ruokaa kuluu luonnostaan vähemmän ja liikunnallisuuden myötä vyötärö on rennon eloisalla tavalla hoikahko. 

maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2022

Key to long age

 "   K4.   13th of February 2022   I do not know for dure, I am 50 years old, but if I would be asked what is the secret of living very ling, I woukd guess that doing things with a good basic way of doibg that has common sense like objective thinking with pictures of wholes and also healthy ways of living like one can learn from watching nature, so that the basic guess of a young person is that one can luve very long that way, of a so young person that one does not count how many tens of years but just gyesses that many. 

 I came to write this since when i looked out of tge window, some blackbirds on the ground seemed to have nuclear bombs' destructiln as a theme, and some small greyish bird on the ground ( which wandered absentmindedly saying that people who do not have muchvtime left are often at loss like that ) seemed to say that from a wild bird's view my view went with long age, so i wrote this, even though i often do nit get well alobg with people and i do not know what is the reason for that. "

From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes