torstai 20. elokuuta 2020


The countryside town Savonlinna I nowadays live in, is famous for it's medieval castle and a summer time opera festival in it, every year in July but not this year (2020) since there has been an epidemy in the world even though not here (or only a little here).  There is some of that festival likedness left here for the rest of the year too, people interested in arts, nature, etc, and when I had lived in Savonlinna for a year or two, I thought that it was something birthday like, maybe the area was a good place to spend a birthday of the elderly. Anyway, across the years I have learned something of that even though not so much.

One thing in it is that one ought to buy foods & other things from shops by paying attention to what dream about way of life, skill level etc the style of the package & product promises to answer, and base one's choices on those observations.

Ages old like the nature is often good, even superb quality, so that some basic life with nature and natural materials, handicraft skills, music like heart's wishes and respecting ideals and healthy spirit, often rise the quality much higher, which is valuable on important occasions. There are lots of summer cottages around Savonlinna.

tiistai 18. elokuuta 2020

Some present like things

After a year I will be 50 years old. It seems to ask for some kind of collection of treasures that I have found or achieved, kind of presents for others. Maybe also some personal history, but there is nothing special to tell, so I guess that such is unimportant for me, and anyway I have already written a lot.

Present like achievements of mine:

"Many words for snow" (in the Finnish language) : winter melodies (from winter 2019-2020, please click the link)
I mean to collect these to some more stylish blog post in the winter time. (2. Oct. 2020   Oh, that maybe isn't possible since the blog site changed to more cumbersome editor.)

For birds: how young birds can fly to the branch already in their first attempt

Not so much my own idea, but with a bunch of links to my other texts, is my long Christmas gnome skills text   ( the first part is at )

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19th of August 2020
My translations of famous wise  old Finnish poetry to English:

A little bit over the first poem of the Finnish national ephos Kalevala translated to English in a way that is independent of climate

Some poems of maybe the most famous Finnish poet Eino Leino

50 years is a long time. It does not sound rational to connect it with just one day. Better to collect some memories and some wisdom of life to some blog posts across some period like for example when writing this blog.
Of the birthday itself, I feel that instead of celebrating one day one ought to live in a good way that is good to continue along. So I of course usually try to do, but it does not always succeed.

Some of my blogs and blog texts of mine that might interest others:
The four seasons     (In Finnish )    (In Finnish and )
  ( 5th of August 2021   Instructions about how to get warm
   In Finnish: Lämmittelyohjeita  )

Easy efficient thinking course    (in Finnish )
(In Finnish about Green movement )
Paradise theory 
(In Finnish for the elderly Tulta leiskuu harmaahapset )   (In Finnish )

More personal blogs:
About my upbringing and the development of my thinking skills
(In Finnish circus training my dogs ten years ago and my poodle Banjo's blog attempt )

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20th of August 2020
I guess that 50 years is so much that also the not so familiar people may be interested in whether there is anything of value to learn from such an age, and so maybe the material, the wisdom ought to be ready almost a year in advance and not only for the birthday.

 * * * 2nd of August 2021 That was written almost a year ago, and next Sunday 8.8.2021 I will be 50 years old, which I do not plan to celebrate but instead I aim to live normal life.   

5th of August 2021   My birthday is three days from today and I do not plan to celebrate it at all, there seems to be no demand for such. But lately I have seen as passer-bys people that connect to my interests: yesterday a singer and today a farmer and a dancer. I do not know if such is somehow spiritual, since my dogs seemed to meet dogs of same colour and size and I ran to such similiarities at large, but I guess thst it connects to my 50th birthday which may cause that some wander by as if it were a theme of the times, and so I think that the near area share of my mobile phone is good for that, but of coyrse such depends on whether one has anythibg valuable in the internet. 

perjantai 7. elokuuta 2020

Birthday melody

Today is not my birthday but I made a melody since the birthday is quite near and I have not tended to celebrate it now that I am over 40, almost 50. But it is nice to do things that one ordinarily likes.

8.8.2020   I made a new picture now that it is my birthday.

Is birthday just a calendar thing?

Can it be that birthdays are just calendar classification like things like the New Year too? The New Year seems to go better if one has insight about how to start the new year, and is not just celebrating the old ones. But it has to be good quality insight that is good to build úpon, like your views about good ways of doing, values, content to life, etc But my experience is that one cannot continue along plans made on birthday. One may then make a some kind of scetch that is soon forgotten, or then some rob those things away from you.

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2nd of August 2021   If one is already middle aged, one often thinks of time passibg when one has a birthday. Maybe then tens of years older persons think that such is a good time to meet or see or read about the elderly and of really old people. If someone is over 100 years old the age may be difficult to prove, especially if it is hundreds or thousands of years, yet such a person may think it easier to meet some younger one around one's 50th birthday, and si the older ones too get some younger contacts if they themselves are fit and have their skills ok.